Instructions for abstract submission:

Abstracts can only be submitted as word attachment to the following email address:

Once accepted (as oral or poster presentations according to the decision of the scientific committee) the presenting Author (underlined and bold in the abstract submission) will be the the person who will attend the congress to present the work and who will appear as oral or poster presenting author in the programme.

The abstract will be inserted in the abstract book only once the presenting author has registered to the congress.

The contact Author (not necessary the presenting Author) will be the one that submit per email the abstract and will be the one that will receive the notification whether the abstract has been accepted or not, and the form will be presented.

The oral presentation will be of 10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion.

The poster will have the following size: width 70 cm, height 100 cm

Abstract format (see below) :

  • All the abstract should be submitted as word file.
  • All the abstract must be written in English.
  • During submission you must select the appropriate scientific area to ensure a proper review of the abstract.
  • The format of the abstract can be downloaded by clicking the following link: